Successes for Armare products

Caorle (Venice): other successes for Armare products in the “Duecento” 2014.

Line Honour Class “200 X Tutti” Tp52 A-Team owner Giorgio Martin (ex-Aniene I° Classe).

Winner overall in corrected time Class “200 X Tutti” Arya 415 Duvetica, owner Sergio Quirino Valente.

The helmsman Daniele Augusti: “It has been a difficult race as all long distance regattas, we have tried to follow what suggested from forecasts. In the first stage of the race we found very little wind and we stopped under Sansego, where the fleet was bunched. The second part of the race was more fortunate with regard to the wind; it was a quite fast navigation to the finish, with a straight course to around 10 knots”.

All photos © Andrea Carloni

#‎Ropes‬ ‪#‎Arya‬ ‪#‎Wave‬

Schermata 2014-07-14 alle 22.40.22 Schermata 2014-07-14 alle 22.40.31 Schermata 2014-07-14 alle 22.40.40
